Hazardous, Dangerous, Explosives, Flammable, Odorous and Objectionable Goods - TRBR 200-A - Item 504 - Eff 09/18/24
Hazardous, Dangerous, Explosives, Flammable, Odorous and Objectionable Goods
Domestic TRBR 200-A | Item 504 | Effective September 18, 2024
Carriage of hazardous Goods (“Hazmat”) is subject to the applicable Federal Regulations mandated by 49 CFR/IMDG Code, and Hazmat will be accepted only when local regulations permit handling at Carrier’s regular facilities, and U.S. Coast Guard and local authority permits have been obtained and complied with. Acceptance of Hazmat is subject to the following:
A. Prior to acceptance of bookings of Hazmat, Consignor/Consignee is required to present to Carrier a written application containing the following information and attachments:
- Supplier company name and address; and
- Proper shipping name of Hazmat; and
- Hazmat class UN or NA number, IMCO number, packing material about, quantity of Goods; and
- Twenty-four (24) hour emergency response telephone numbers; and
- Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS); and
- Special handling instruction in compliance with Code of Federal Regulations Title 49 Hazmat Regulations.
B. Hazmat will only be accepted after prior booking arrangements, as required in this tariff, have been made. Campers and motorhomes/coaches must have all gray/black water receptacle fully emptied and clean.
C. Consignor, Consignor’s agent or NVOCC must declare Hazmat on the Bill of Lading which must accompany the shipment. Information required is stated below and must appear on the Bill of Lading in sequence shown:
- Identification number (UN number of NA number); and
- Proper shipping name; and
- Hazmat class; and
- Packing Group (I, II, III); and
- Twenty-four (24) hour emergency response number; and
- Shipper’s certification.
D. It shall be the Shippers responsibility to clearly mark the Goods and Trailer with the required DOT labels and placards. When shipments requiring DOT placards are received un-placarded, the Carrier will furnish and placard the shipment at a charge of $35.00 per Placard. Carrier will not move such Trailers from origin premises until properly placarded.
E. Any shipment containing hazardous cargo, as defined by CFR-49, will be subject to a Hazardous Cargo Fee of $200 per container/trailer, unless otherwise exempted by a specific rate item publication. . In the event of an incident due to Campers Motorhome/Coaches received without the grey/white water receptacle emptied will be subject to a cleaning/service fee of $500 or actual cost whichever is greater for services rendered for the clean-up of a biohazardous substance.
- NITs, NIT Loaded on SOL, POVs, and POV in a Container are not subject to the Hazardous Cargo Fee as long as shipper documents unit meets CFR 49/176.905 requirements for shipping that unit.
- New Manufactured Electric Vehicles (EV’s) are accepted by Carrier for shipment to and/from Puerto Rico/USVI with no more or less than 50% state of charge.
Personally Owned Electric Vehicles, Hybrids and Electric Motorcycles will be accepted by carrier as long as the following requirements are met:
- Vehicle must be inspected by Dealer/Mechanic and cleared of leaks, exposed wiring, corrosion, and all recalls completed if applicable.
- Vehicle battery must have no more/less than 50% state of charge at receipt of the EV at Carrier Terminal.
- Personally Owned EV’s will be subject to a Hazardous Charge of $200 per Unit.
- If Shipper/Consignee books a Hazmat shipment and upon arrival for the pickup it is ascertained that the load is not Hazmat, the Shipper/Consignee will be liable for all cost and fees associated with dispatching a Hazmat certified driver.
F. Trailers containing Goods which have been fumigated or treated with poisonous liquid, solid or gas, must be placarded by Consignor on each door with placards 10” x 8”, red lettering on white cardboard reading: “DANGER – The lading on this car has been fumigated or treated with _____ (Name of poisonous liquid, solid or gas). Before unloading, open both doors and DO NOT ENTER until car is free of gas. REMOVE ALL POISONOUS MATERIAL before release of empty car.” It will be the responsibility of Consignee to thoroughly check Trailers after unloading his Goods to remove all traces of poisonous materials or fumigant remnants within the Trailer prior to returning it to Carrier.
G. Consignor/Consignee is obligated to return Carrier’s Trailer(s) used for the movement of Hazmat or Goods requiring fumigation or treatment with poisonous liquid, solid or gas, free of any Hazmat contamination and in such condition that it can be used to transport Goods other than those transported for Shipper/Consignee.
H. In the event that Consignee refuses to take delivery of shipment containing Hazmat, Carrier has the option to return Goods to Shipper or supplier or to place Goods in a public warehouse facility at Shipper or “Bill To” party’s expense.
I. In the event of an accident, leakage, spill, or discharge of Hazardous Materials loaded onto Carrier’s Terminal or in Carrier’s container/trailer, Shipper/Consignee is responsible for providing full cooperation as to corrective and remedial action necessary to satisfy Federal, State or Municipal laws, re-containment, disposal and prevention of exposure or contamination of the environment
Any expense incurred by Carrier as a result of the failure of Shipper/Consignee negligence with respect to such cargo will be for the account of Shipper/Consignee, and Shipper/Consignee each agree, where its act or omission (or that of its agent) is a proximate cause of any loss, damage, penalty, fine, cost (including attorney’s fees) bond, interest or other sanction, to indemnify and hold harmless Carrier from such loss, damage, penalty, fine, and cost, and from the cost of defending claims, suits or assessments against Carrier.