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Welcome to "The Connection"

January 17, 2023


Let’s skip the cliché new year message and dive right into what I know to be true no matter the year – Logistics, is personal. Okay, you may say that’s cliché, but the way I see it, every load matters.

At the end of the day, it’s not just logistics: it’s putting food on a family’s table, cleats on a young athlete’s feet or lifesaving medical equipment in the hands of a doctor.

I keep this sentiment in mind as we face what is sure to be another year of challenges for our industry. With this viewpoint, I can see ‘the connection’ between what we do and our ability to shape the future of our community, our nation, and the world. And that inspires me to bring my best self each day.

At Trailer Bridge, we have built our culture on service – to our employees, customers and partners, as well as the communities where we live, work and play. This duty of service is powered by love, kindness, and a genuine care for those around us.

Which is why I’m excited to announce the re-launch of our quarterly e-newsletter with a new look and renewed sense of purpose. ‘the connection’ will be delivered to your inbox each quarter to serve you with insights from our team of experts, heartwarming stories from our nation-wide community and a desire to invest in the relationships we share with you.

I know I speak for all of TB Nation when I say we look forward to walking alongside you in 2023 to turn challenges into opportunities, build efficient supply chains and deliver the goods our neighbors need around the world.

Let’s Make it Happen.

Mitch Luciano
Chief Executive Officer

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